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Tattoos are Permanent

Many teenagers think about getting a tattoo of something they really like. They ask their parents, and their parents say something like, “I don’t know how I feel about that. Tattoos are permanent. What if you don’t like it in ten years?” Possibly unbeknownst to them, these teenagers actually already have a tattoo, a digital tattoo, and it is indeed permanent. Body tattoos can be covered up or removed for a price, and things we do online can be deleted, but at what cost? Archives exist; the internet is forever, and in ten years these teenagers might not like their digital tattoo.

A digital footprint or digital tattoo is your online activity that can be searched, copied, broadcasted, and is permanent (Common Sense Education, 2013). They are modern first impressions that reveal where we have been, who we have been with, and where we are going (Johnson, 2009). They can themselves be positive or negative, and therefore they can have a positive or negative impact on our lives. They can also be intentional, done on purpose, or unintentional, not done on purpose. An intentional digital footprint or tattoo presents the best version of yourself and is carefully cultivated as if you are using a personal filter. This can lead to positive outcomes, like a job opportunity. An unintentional digital footprint or tattoo is you without the filter. It is all of your digital interactions, whether positive or negative, and could lead to negative outcomes, like being fired from a job.

The good news is that everyone has the ability to cultivate their own digital footprint. They can put the filter on to show the best version of themselves. Students especially can do this to ensure that their futures will not be ruined by their online interactions. Students can not only make sure their social media interactions are positive, but they can also create a positive image through a public ePortfolio that showcases their achievements. For example, students can share their academic work, reflections of learning, and unique thoughts and feelings through a blog. This doesn’t mean that teenagers can’t post a selfie to Instagram every now and then, but that everything they post does impact their image.

Digital footprints or tattoos are permanent. Will your parents like your tattoo? Will the future you like your tattoo?


Common Sense Education. (2013, August 12). What’s in your digital footprint? [Video File].

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Johnson, S. (2009, November 9). Digital footprints – Your new first impression [Video File].

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