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The Visionary

Roselinde Torres (2014) says that leaders should know where to anticipate change, have a diverse network, and be courageous enough to abandon the past. When in leadership roles, these are what you should consider to determine if you are a great leader. Great leaders should also ask themselves what worked, what they could do better, and what lessons were learned. Leadership isn’t a cause and effect relationship with success. A great leader can have failed attempts (and most likely does) because leadership is about reflecting on experiences and learning from them to continuously improve.

As a leader throughout the DLL program, what worked was developing a growth mindset and helping others to do the same. I felt the positive energy and wanted to share that message far and wide. On the flip side, what didn’t work YET was my ePortfolio innovation plan timeline. I tried to accomplish too much in too little of time, so I know moving forward that timelines need to account for setbacks. Lessons I have learned throughout the program have been abundant, with the biggest takeaway being that sometimes all you need to do to get your voice heard is use it.

My leadership skills have changed dramatically in the last couple years. Part of that I attribute to maturing and finding myself, but part of that is a direct result of the DLL. Before joining the Digital Learning & Leading program at Lamar University, I was a regular fourth grade teacher with a few years of teaching under my belt, trying to advocate for digital learning but not knowing how or why. The DLL gave me my voice and the courage to use it. Through learning about growth mindset, COVA, CSLE, blended learning, etc. and learning how to be an effective leader with strategies like the Influencer Model, 4DX, and Crucial Conversations, I felt more confident in my knowledge of what students need to be successful in the twenty-first century and how to share that with others.

I recently took a leadership test online to see what my “creative type” is. Based on the results, I am labeled as a visionary. The visionary imagines the impossible, has big ideas, sees potential and possibility everywhere, and uses vision as fuel to act towards change daily (Adobe Create, 2019). My first thought was, “Wow, really? That doesn’t sound like me. This quiz must be Buzzfeed-quality.” However, then I started thinking about who I am and who this program helped me become. This wasn’t a mistake; this was proof that the DLL enhanced my leadership skills. I am proud of the leader I have become, and I am thrilled to be able to take my newfound leadership skills into the next steps of my career and life.

Click here if you want to take the test to find your creative type.


Adobe Create. (2019). The creative types test. Retrieved from


Torres, R. [TED]. (2014, February 19). What it takes to be a great leader [Video File]. Retrieved from

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