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I Love PIE

My class is reading a story right now called From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. The students are so interested, on the edge of their seats, and begging to read more and more. Why? It’s a STORY! People have a hard time memorizing things like grocery lists but can sing a song from the radio effortlessly. Why? It’s a STORY! Stories bring out emotion and allow the audience to feel connected (Duarte, 2010). As an educational leader, my presentations need to be stories. That is what makes them memorable.

This story is the best kind of story because WE (teachers and students) are the main characters. The audience of my presentation isn’t an audience at all; they are characters that are part of the first chapter in the story of “Ditch the Basement Box.” I picture a student sitting in a teacher-centered classroom, memorizing, and then regurgitating the information on a test as the conflict - the “what is.” The plot events of the story have the teachers and students transforming their learning. The solution is reflecting and connecting with ePortfolios in student-centered learning environments. The final scene is where students are engaged in learning and taking ownership of their learning - the “what could be.”

In fourth grade, we teach author’s purpose and perspective. Author’s purpose is commonly abbreviated PIE – persuade, inform, entertain. I feel like my presentation to promote my innovation plan should be a mix of all PIE. I want to persuade my audience to take action and join me, inform them of the plan and benefits, and entertain them with a story. In addition, author’s perspective is the author’s feeling and opinion about the topic. I need to get the point across that I feel, as the creator of the plan, that student-centered significant learning environments with ePortfolios are beneficial.

After all, who doesn’t love PIE?


Duarte, Nancy. [TEDx Talks]. (2010, 11 November). Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators [Video file]. Retrieved from

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