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Trends in Global Technology

We live in a connected world, full of technology. We make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes.

We live in a connected world, full of technology. We make mistakes. Others learn from our mistakes. Others make mistakes. We learn from their mistakes.

As educators, do we make mistakes with technology and innovation? Of course, but that is why we have growth mindsets. That same technology that we are making mistakes with and learning from, however, also gives us the opportunity to share our mistakes with others and allow them to learn secondhand. In return, we are able to view their growth as well, creating a constant learning process about technology, through technology.

Information and communication technology (ICT) projects across the globe can teach us what is working, what could have been done better, and how we as educators and innovators can apply those lessons learned in our own classrooms and organizations. After reviewing several case studies regarding ICT, the following are the themes and lessons I gathered.

When ICT is part of a paradigm shift, it is successful. ICT alone is not the change we need in education. The change we need is pedagogical, and ICT is a tool that supports that change.


Venezky, R. (n.d.). ICT in innovative schools: Case studies of change and impacts. OECD. Retrieved from

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