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Affective is Effective

People say “mind over matter” when they are taking on a challenge. When taking on change, people should say “heart over matter” because it is the affective domain that creates successful change. Promoting change is not about telling people all of the facts. Facts do not sell; feelings sell. As Tom Asacker said in his TED Talk (2014), “We are mad, feeling creatures who are being pushed and pulled by our environment, by our instincts, by our truths.” There is much more to each decision that we as humans make than just the facts.

However, the mind has traditionally been targeted while the heart has been ignored. Lecturing doesn’t work because people already know the facts and are resentful when told what they already know (Grenny & Maxfield, 2015). So, why are people so focused on the facts? The facts are easier. It’s easy for someone to describe a great product and its features. It is not as easy to describe a purpose, cause, or belief. In order to connect people to a belief, you have to have a belief. In the popular show Shark Tank, entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to potential investors. Although the investors love hearing the facts and monetary data, they also will not invest in someone that does not believe in what he or she is doing, and often invest in a person even if the product is not ideal. People do not connect to solely facts, and people will not do what they do not believe in.

If you do not know your “why,” your reason for doing what you do, change will not occur. You cannot inspire others to join you without figuring out why you are motivated by the change in the first place. You may be intrinsically motivated to create this change, and someone else may be as well, but there are always people that need an outside influence to make a decision. You and your “why” will lead people to make the change. As Simon Sinek states in his TED Talk (2009), “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Sharing your “why” also helps to establish a sense of urgency. People will connect with you as a leader and want to give you their time and effort.

As a teacher, I give my students facts all year long. They construct knowledge and learn. What do those facts mean at the end of the year if connections were not established? Absolutely nothing. Change is not effective if it is not affective.


Asacker, T. [TEDx Talks]. (2014, June 30). Why TED Talks don’t change people’s behaviors. [Video

file]. Retrieved from

Grenny, J., & Maxfield, D. [VitalSmarts Video]. (2015, January 05). How to change people who don't

want to change: The Behavioral Science Guys. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Sinek, S. [TEDx Talks]. (2009, September 28). Start with why: How great leaders inspire action.

[Video file]. Retrieved from

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