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Innovation - The Time is Now

Most people in the world would agree that change is difficult although necessary. However, leading and driving the change, being proactive and innovative, can be a powerful thing. I plan to lead a change to “Ditch the Basement Box” by replacing that overflowing cardboard box of schoolwork in the basement with a digital and valuable alternative that is part of the learning process. The ePortfolio initiative would use instructional technology in combination with pedagogy to transform teaching and learning.

In my innovation proposal, I suggest the use of ePortfolios where students would reflect and connect by providing evidence of their learning with a write-up. They would do so on a self-created Google Site that can contain a variety of multimedia and be personalized for each student’s unique interests and learning experiences. The ePortfolio would be developed throughout the students’ years of schooling and beyond. A short video about the innovation plan shows potential change in action. In my literature review, I declare what research claims about the use of ePortfolios in the classroom. The literature concludes that ePortfolio benefits include choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning experiences, the development of twenty-first century skills, and reflection and assessment. The initiative also coincides with growth mindset and technology trends. I then outline the implementation of the ePortfolio innovation and list books for further reading to support the plan.

This world is constantly changing. Is it hard to keep up? Yes, but we cannot let our students fall behind. Our students today deserve the best of today and the future. It is our responsibility as educators to shift our thinking and develop innovative and creative students that can handle the demands of the future. As educators, we must educate ourselves as well, staying current on educational trends and communicating and collaborating with colleagues as we grow. We need to change our methods to change the result, moving from a systematic to organic approach. We need to lead each other and our students to a promising future, even if we struggle and fail forward.

There is no time to wait for somebody else to make the change. The time is now, and the "somebody" is us.

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